215 Sanders St, Suite 101,
Kemptville, ON, K0G 1J0
We are open
Monday - Friday:
8:30am ‑ 4:00pm

Community Support Services

Transportation Services

When you need assistance accessing transportation to attend to a medical appointments, to get in and around the community for errands or other activities our volunteer drivers are there to help.

The Seniors’ Community Services Transportation Service is provided by trained volunteer drivers in their own vehicles. Drivers pick-up at your door, deliver to your destination, and wait until the appointment is completed. There are many types of requests for transport, including medical appointments, grocery pick-up, banking and social events. Requests for medical appointments is the top priority when scheduling transportation.

Fee Schedule

  • Some fees are based on a flat rate according to destination, others are 0.52 cents per km.
  • Parking fees are the responsibility of the client.
  • A transportation fee schedule is available at the Centre.

We ask that requests be made at least three working days in advance to allow for staff to arrange for the transportation.

Weekends and Statutory holidays only when medically necessary

Meals on Wheels

The Meals on Wheels program delivers nutritious, and delicious meals at a reasonable cost. Meals are delivered door to door or are available for pick-up at the centre. Hot meals are delivered within the town of Kemptville, and frozen meals are delivered throughout the municipality of North Grenville.

In June 2023 Seniors’ Community Services transitioned to a new food service for the entrees, while remaining with Appetito for soups and desserts. Time Savers Food is an Ottawa area family-run business that has been creating home-cooked, comfort foods for the Ottawa area community since 2000.

Meals on Wheels delivery not only provides access to nutritious meals but is also an opportunity for a friendly check-in from volunteers. Choosing Meals on Wheels complements an independent and healthy lifestyle.

Meals are prepared for delivery in our centre by volunteers and delivered to your door at the lunchtime hour Monday to Friday (except statutory holidays).

View Menu

What kind of meals are available?

Meals on Wheels offers a variety of options to suit any taste. Orders can be a choice of entrees, soups and/or desserts. It is up to you how you would like to complement your meal!

Sample Menu

Orders can consist of a choice of combination of entrées, soups and/or dessert such as:

  • Chicken Noodle or Cream of Mushroom soup
  • Butter Chicken or Roast Beef Dinner
  • Apple Crisp or Peach Cobbler


Soup $2.50 each
Entrees $7.85
Desserts $2.50

Who can receive Meals on Wheels?

  • Seniors
  • Adults who are chronically ill
  • Adults living with a physical disability
  • Adults convalescing from surgery or illness
  • Adults undergoing medical treatment

How to order a meal?

New Clients must register with SCS before placing an order.

Once you have registered as a client, there are three ways to order frozen meals

  1. Email
  2. Order by phone at 613-258-3203 between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:00 pm.
  3. In-person at 215 Sanders Street, Suite 101, Kemptville

Every attempt will be made to fill a request for meal delivery on the following week day.

Frozen MOW can be delivered directly to you, or picked-up at the centre.

How to cancel a meal?

Cancellations of a delivery of a meal without charge can be made by calling before 10 am on the day of the delivery.

Our volunteers will never leave a meal at a client’s door unattended. If a client does not answer their door, our volunteers will contact the office and staff will make every effort to contact the client by phone. If we are unable to reach the client by phone, SCS staff will contact their emergency contact and the meal will be given away.

Friendly Visiting Program

Friendly visits by trained volunteers are designed to provide one-to-one companionship and support for seniors, and adults with physical disabilities. Visits can be made in person, or by telephone, depending on each client’s unique needs.

Whether it be a cup of tea, discussing world events or having a laugh, connecting with a volunteer can make the world of difference to someone who is feeling lonely. Please reach out if you or a loved one could benefit from this program.

Footcare Clinic

The Footcare Clinic is a fee service.

The Foot Care Clinic at Seniors’ Community Services is provided at the centre, by appointment with a specially trained Registered Nurse. Proper foot care is very important in all stages of life, but especially in later years. Painful foot problems may prevent someone from leading a fully active life.

What the Foot Clinic offers?

Foot care includes trimming of nails, treatment of calluses, corns and ingrown toenails.

The Benefits of the Foot Care Clinic:

  • Improperly cared for feet can be very painful causing difficulty in walking
  • Decreased mobility and agility can make foot care a problem
  • The Nurse will notice any changes that need further attention, which is very important for diabetics.
  • Regular footcare can relieve pain and treats infections
  • Regular footcare can help to identify possible health conditions.
  • Regular footcare can support good long-term foot health
  • Regular footcare appointments with a specially trained Registered Nurse can help with healthier long-lasting lifestyle changes
To schedule an appointment

Phone: 613-258-3203

Telephone Assurance

Many of our services are specifically designed to connect socially or physically isolated seniors to a community of caring people. A regular telephone call from a SCS volunteer or staff member not only provides a reassuring check-in, but can offer peace of mind for family and friends knowing their loved one is connecting with a member of the community.

This service is reassurance not only for the client, but also for friends and family who are looking for peace of mind. No one should feel alone, and we can help.

If you, or someone you care about would like more information on this service please reach out to us.

home help referrals

Seniors’ Community Services understands the importance of ensuring access to services to promote a safe and healthy home environment. We search out and work with local businesses to provide client referrals that have been checked as safe and upstanding businesses. If you are looking for help with housecleaning, outside work or home maintenance we can provide you referrals you can count on.

Community Referrals

Seniors’ Community Services is committed to ensuring clients receive the best supports to enhance independence, and living well at home. Seniors' Community Services (SCS) is part of the circle of care, and if we are unable to assist you directly we will refer you to an outside agency. (eg. PSW services, dentist, physiotherapy, Home and Community Care Support Services etc.)

For more information about all programming please call us at 613-258-3203 or email us at

Next Foot Care Clinic


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Registered Charity BN 118979111RR0001

P.O. Box 1192
215 Sanders St, Suite 101,
Kemptville, ON, K0G 1J0
We are open
Monday - Friday:
8:30am ‑ 4:00pm
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Kemptville and District Home Support Inc. is a charitable, non-profit organization operating as Seniors' Community Services.

Seniors’ Community Services is committed to protecting the privacy and personal information of individuals accessing services, staff members, volunteers, and other stakeholders as required by Canadian Privacy Legislation.